Lorraine Whelan of Mindful Health is giving a two-hour talk in Rathwood on Saturday July 29th at 10am on how to boost your resilience to stress. Her talk will cover the issues of mind and body as the two inextricably linked.
‘Stress requires immense pressure on your body’s behalf and involves many organs, in particular your adrenal glands,’ Lorraine explains. ‘The Adrenals are responsible for producing stress hormones and when they have been under pressure you can suffer symptoms like fatigue, craving for salty food, low mood, insomnia, reliance on caffeine and low immunity.
‘What you eat not only affects how you cope with stress, it can affect your sleep quality, your overall hormonal health and even your metabolism.
‘Come and find out what foods to boost your energy, improve how you handle stress, tackle mood swings and enhance overall wellbeing,’ she says.

Lorraine’s business was set up to consult with individuals and discover what and how they are eating with a view to creating a diet that will reverse the signs of aging and counter modern day stress.
‘All too often we find ourselves under a lot of stress,’ says Lorraine. ‘This can negatively impact the way we eat which in turn can have cause medical disorders and even issues such as infertility.’
Lorraine advocates that we approach our diet in a practical way. ‘Everyone is busy these days so I know we cannot devote hours to preparing meals every day,’ she says.
‘However, it is better to spend a little time readjusting any bad habits we may have picked up than sitting in the doctor’s surgery.’

Lorraine is a qualified nutritionist and has spent the last ten years refining her approach to individual eating requirements. ‘Good food is at the core of my advice,’ she says, ‘but sometimes there may be a need for a supplement. I approach this on a case by case basis.’
As part of her business, Lorraine runs a number of courses providing advice and practical tips on vegetarian food, hormonal balance and digestive health. These courses help against a range of issues including bloating, thyroid issues, adrenal issues, PMS, PCOS and fibroids.
Lorraine’s talk at Rathwood costs €15 and can be booked HERE

She will also demonstrate how to prepare tasty and nutritious breakfasts and snacks during the talk. Visitors may sample the dishes and also take away recipes from the day. The course runs for two hours from time.
For more information please visit www.mindfulhealth.ie or contact Lorraine on mindfulhealthireland@gmail.com